For this, I decided to celebrate my heritage and a place I consider as home, the beautiful country of Ghana.
This was an interesting concept - I had many ideas in my mind of how I could portray the phrase but visually in my mind, this made the most sense. The use of motion helped me to visually show the physical resistance demonstrated in the game of tug of war. The element of fire highlights the destructive nature of war.
I just really love how the royal blue complements the light pink. I really enjoyed the various details and elements of this poster.
When you create, you have got to have some fun with it - this was definitely inspired by a game of GTA. In reference to the ridiculous advertisement billboards you would see on the motorway driving in a stolen car.

For myself, faith in God plays a massive role in my life - so when I think about the phrase anticipate, I am immediately reminded of all the times I've got to wait on God because I believe his timing is always the best.